Features of Web-based Technology in Social Housing Maintenance

person holding smartphone

Keeping on top of maintenance is a 24/7 operation for social housing associations. The leading associations are turning to cloud based technology to manage the process. Previously we’d discussed the benefits of Using Technology to Shape Social Housing Maintenance. In this post, we’re going to delve into the typical features of web-based technology for repair […]

8,831 Insurance and Social Housing Reactive Repairs

RFM Group repairs Scotland Map

Leading insurance companies such as Lloyds Banking Group and Aviva choose RFM Group to repair their clients’ homes when accidents occur. And, forward-thinking housing associations such as Railway Housing, Habinteg and Housing 21 turn to our Repair division to keep their houses in tip-top condition. 8,831 Property Repairs The past 12 months have been really […]

Good Value in Reactive Maintenance

man in black jacket wearing yellow hard hat

Value for money is central to the success of all organisations. But how do you ensure you get value for money when contracting a facilities management company to deliver reactive maintenance? Good Value Reactive Maintenance in Facilities Management The first step in understanding what is ‘good value’ in FM reactive maintenance is to assess all […]

Social Housing Maintenance Customer Service and Efficiency

black and brown headset near laptop computer

When maintaining social housing properties, customer service and business efficiency are central to delivering the best possible service to both social housing tenants and providers. Continuous Improvement Means Better Customer Service  In order to learn from customers’ experiences and to continually improve services,  feedback information from all sources including inspection reports, customer and client satisfaction, […]

Using Technology to Shape Social Housing Maintenance

mobile repair data

Social housing maintenance technology has a pretty clear remit – capture what’s wrong with a property, or is likely to be a problem in the near future, and fix it. Refresh or revitalise, update or upgrade, replace or remove; do what is needed to ensure the tenant is safe, comfortable and content whilst delivering a […]

What is an Environmental Policy and What Should it Include?

windmill on grass field during golden hour

How an Environmental Policy (EP) can reduce a property organisation’s carbon footprint.   Reduce, reuse; recycle policies; incentives i.e. paper, waste segregation, light bulbs, batteries, printer cartridges, packaging etc. There is no doubt that it is the responsibility of every organisation to reduce its impact on the environment and operate in a sustainable manner. What […]

Facilities Service Review – Getting Best Value in FM

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Are your facilities due a service review? The pandemic has certainly created an uncertain time for us all. The ways in which we work have changed forever. As such it’s time to change the ways in which we manage buildings too with a Strategic Facilities Service Review from RFM Group As well as cost savings, […]

Smart Listening leads to Smart Learning

Smart Listening

Listening is the key to learning. And learning is key to high-performance. This is true in all walks of life, from the classroom to the sports field and definitely in the workplace. Expertise is born of learning and thus listening. And learning never stops. Listening leads to new ideas. Ideas fuel progress  The more diverse […]

Smart Workplaces and the Future Office

Modern workspace

Smart workplaces and the future of office working are subjects close to our heart. We are working hard today, whilst keeping an eye on the future to make sure our services and your property deliver the best possible value and sustainable longevity for generations to come. Technology and smart thinking permeate everything we do.  Smart […]

Why a Repair Partner Makes Sense in Social Housing

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Managing a portfolio of social housing is a complex task; keeping on top of maintenance can be even harder. From planned maintenance to responsive repairs, there are a vast array of considerations and a huge breadth of works that need undertaking over the course of a property’s lifetime. Why a repair partner makes sense in […]