Building Repair, Facilities Management

Landlord Services Free Download

It is important to choose a property partner that has experience managing and maintaining large portfolios.

The UK’s leading insurance providers such as LV and Lloyds Banking Group trust RFM to repair their customers’ properties when things go wrong. That trust is built through transparent lifecycle systems that allow them to monitor every stage of a building claim and repair.

We’re experts at managing large property portfolios.

RFM manage and maintain thousands of residential properties on behalf of organisations such as Housing 21, Leeds City Council, Habinteg and Railway Housing Associations. They choose RFM because the quality of service is matched by our outstanding technology platform that allows a full birds-eye view of the portfolio and its management.

Our specialist team of experts and ground-breaking operational management systems allow organisations, surveyors, contractors, tenants and property owners to transparently see the full claims and repair process. From understanding the progress of a claim, the costs and the timeline of planned work to post-project evaluation – everything is monitored and optimised, in real-time.

Repairing and Caring for Properties as If They Were Our Own


We speak to businesses and organisations of all sizes every day who turn to RFM for advice about how to manage their property portfolios.

RFM has developed market-leading Landlord Services, that deliver effective repair and maintenance services for councils, social housing associations and private property organisations.

Download our Free Landlord Services guide and you can learn how we can manage, maintain and upgrade your buildings and keep your properties safe and tenants happy.


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