Saving energy saves money and the environment. Knowing where to start though can be tricky.
Our reputable installers survey the buildings, specify the products and system design, and provide programmable installation, commissioning and lifecycle maintenance. This connected approach offers a seamless solution to meeting energy reduction targets and incorporates a wealth of strategic and environmental benefits.
Energy Sense
RFM’s Energy Sense monitoring and targeting software identifies areas for potential energy reduction, ensuring optimal investments. Building managers can monitor, measure and minimise their consumption in line with energy-reduction costs and measures, all from the comfort of their desktop or smartphone.
We specialise in schools, offices, shopping centres, manufacturing sites and more, and data and energy usage can be identified by floor, individual tenants or divisions.
We can upgrade your buildings and help you get funding to pay for the upgrades!
We speak to businesses and organisations of all sizes every day who turn to RFM for advice about how to upgrade and adapt their properties.
RFM have developed a market-leading energy reduction service, that delivers sustainable cost-saving strategies for UK corporate and SME organisations.
Download our Free guide to Energy as a Service, and you can learn how we can upgrade your buildings and help you get funding to pay for the upgrades.
These measures immediately reduce energy consumption, as well as improve user comfort and productivity.
Design, Fund and Install
RFM have developed a market-leading energy reduction service, that delivers sustainable cost-saving strategies for UK corporate and SME organisations. We have expertise at all levels (Procurement, Management & Renewables) with extensive experience in the hospitality, commercial and industrial sectors. RFM’s energy partner delivers energy to over 22 thousand UK-based commercial consumers.
Our partners satisfied clients include:
RFM Group
Unit C2 Crimple Court,
Hornbeam Business Park,
Company Registration Number: 06765689
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