Blog, Cleaning, Facilities Management

Covid-19 & Strep A Decontamination Using Fogging Technology

RFM Group are one of the leading cleaning and facilities management companies in the UK, we have invested in specially designed disinfection fogging machines, to enable organisations to safely re-open their premises.

We understand that getting staff back safely into workplaces can be a cause for nervousness. That’s why we have pioneered the use of fogging technology to ensure effective decontamination from Corona Virus/COVID-19 and Strep A.

When should you use a fogging machine?

Fogging machines are used when an infectious outbreak occur, such as COVID-19 and Strep A. Fogging is known to be highly effective when sanitising. It significantly reduces the number of viable infectious pathogens, treating the surface and the air, when compared to manual surface cleaning alone. It offers a quick, effective process with immediate results and minimal disruption to the organisation.

Fogging sanitation produces micro-droplets of disinfectant and biocides that float in the air for around 10 minutes after application. Dispersing these micro-droplets into the air means the solution can reach hard-to-access areas that would not be sanitised by conventional cleaning.

Fogging machine cleaning is safe to use on all surfaces

Using a specially formulated Bactericidal and Viricidal cleaning agent (Approved to BS EN14476, EN1276 and EN13697) we comprehensively disinfect high and low-volume areas including surfaces such as walls, floors, doors, worktops, furnishings and machinery; as well as frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, push pads, light switches, taps, desks, handrails etc. 

 specially formulated Bactericidal and Viricidal cleaning agent

This treatment sanitises all surfaces within a building to help prevent the spread of disease. Fogging combats airborne pathogens, as well as disinfecting large areas that require rapid re-entry of treated areas – thus creating minimum disruption for our clients.



Fogging machines can be used in almost all environments, RFM are currently working in the following organisations:



Our technicians wear the appropriate PPE for each treatment and are fully compliant with UK Government and WHO advice on COVID-19 safe distance requirements.

The fogging machine kills all known germs including Covid-19 and Strep A and will help you ensure a clean and safe environment for you and your staff.

As well as our many other services, RFM Group can also assist with the re-designing workspaces to maintain social distancing and compiling COVID-19 risk assessments for the working environments.

As I’m sure you can imagine, these services are proving very popular at the moment.

Please get in touch today so we can get you booked in for a facility clean as soon as possible. Call 0113 202 9000 or email

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