Employing the best security staff is central to delivering reliable and efficient security services.
Successfully recruiting, training and vetting effective security staff always begins with the careful planning of the recruitment process. This ensures enough time to thoroughly vet each candidate.
Where applicable it should be noted on the initial job adverts that all applicants will have to undergo a strict vetting procedure before an appointment.
Vetting Security Guards
When recruiting security guards, all candidates should be carefully screened and vetted as follows:
- Carry out pre-employment checks. This includes DBS checks, qualification checks, reference checks and identity checks.
- Only accept specific ID cards (or passports) and require proof of address and National Insurance papers.
- Only short-list candidates who have security experience (Unless you have the facility to mentor and train a new recruit).
- The HR Manager should assess the applicant’s experience in much more detail.
- Look at several other areas including English comprehension, attitude and professionalism.
- Finally, applicants should be asked to provide two references, which should be followed up by a phone call.
It is also recommended that newly recruited guards go through an initial 1-month trial period, where their performance, attitude and professionalism is carefully monitored.
Training Security Staff
We believe that training and development of staff are essential for all business. As such it is vital to commit to identifying training needs, sourcing appropriate training and evaluating how this training enhances personal performance.
The training requirement of a typical business can be split into 3 areas:
- Induction Training
- Business-wide training and Refresher Training
- Individual needs should also be identified through the Appraisal Process
Induction Training for Security Staff
All new starters should receive induction training, which is checked at a suitable point (8 weeks is good) that it has been completed satisfactorily.
Refresher and Business-wide Training for Security Staff
Business-wide training and refresher training is important to ensure compliance with legislation and regulation and should form part of the training plan for the year.
Each year a training plan should be written which identifies the main thrust of training for that year and a framework plan put in place. On a quarterly basis, a more detailed plan will show how the training is to be implemented for that quarter.
Ad-Hoc Security Training
Ad-hoc training falls outside the above plan and will be scheduled and undertaken as and when required.
Although ad-hoc training by its very nature may not be planned, the quantity and content should be reviewed annually as a minimum.
Recording and Evaluating Security Training
Line managers should identify training needs in discussion with individual staff members whilst business-wide training will be planned via the company training plan.
For each element of training, there should be an evaluation of effectiveness; conducted at an individual level for ad-hoc training and at the corporate level for business-wide training.
All training should be documented and signed by the trainer and the employee; training records are retained by the HR department and within the Operations Manual.
To ensure that learning stays at the forefront of staff minds, there are a variety of methods to provide operatives and site teams with regular, clear and up-to-date health and safety information and refresher training.
It is also a good idea to make ‘toolbox talks’ and other training open to the client’s team, local stakeholders, and SMEs on projects. An excellent security service provider should identify and provide additional training in accordance with project and partnership needs, and changes in legislation.
Security Staff Induction Checklist
The typical induction of a new RFM Security staff member will include:
- Introductions to RFM, Staff, Roles, Reporting
- Tour of Building/Health and Safety: Emergency Exits/Evacuation Procedures, COSHH, Electricity at Work, Manual Handling
- Building Open and Close Procedure inc. Alarm
- Emergency/Out of Hours Contact List
- Telephone Log
- Assignment Instructions
- Completion of Paperwork
- Uniform Provision & display of SIA Badge
- Fire Assembly Point
- Personal Hygiene
- Welfare Facilities
- First Aid Boxes, First Aiders, Accident Reporting
- Company Background & Company Objectives
- Internal Communications
- Key Holding
- ISO Procedures
- Overview of BSI Standards
- Line Management
- Environmental policy
- Energy Policy
- Quality Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy
- Company Handbook
- Outline of Role & Job Requirements
- Absence/Sickness Procedure
- Working Time – hours/breaks
- Holidays
- Procedures Grievance, Disciplinary etc
- Pay – Payment Date & Method including Sick Pay
- Uniform Provision and Cost
- Emergency Contact Details Provided (Next of Kin)
As an employer of the best security staff in the North of England, this article should have given you a great insight into the vetting and training processes we implement across all our clients’ sites in Leeds, York, Manchester, Bradford and the wider area.